The 18th Swindon Scouts Welcome You!
For the Swindon Old Town area
The Swindon 18th is an active Scout group for 4 to 14
year old boys and girls, including Squirrel, Beaver, Cub and Scout sections.
We offer young people adventurous opportunities to learn all sorts of valuable life skills through their involvement in weekly meetings, and a wide range of special activities and camps run throughout the year.
Keep reading to see what a typical calendar year has in it... there might be more than you expect!


Our regular meetings are held during term-time in the Scout Hall in Charlotte Mews, tailored especially for the different age groups. Each term we work to different Scout challenges, which are partly covered in the meetings and partly in other activities.
Fun indoors and out... caving, sailing, hall hockey, archery, kayaking, chess, London monopoly run, hiking, air-rifle shooting, swimming, and much more....  Everything is run by qualified instructors, DBS approved of course.

The Scouts is a charity run at a local level by volunteers, one of their jobs being to actively raise finances, supported by a fund-raising committee.
Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts join in the fund-raising activities from helping to run stalls at fairs, cooking at BBQs, to sorting and delivering the Scout Christmas post.
The Scouts get involved with the local community, getting involved with local events, commemoration services, schools or with other community organisations.

Camping is a fantastic adventure and a great opportunity to learn independence.
Scouting camps are graduated, ranging from fully catered with lodgings e.g. for Beavers at PGL, to the Scout summer camps where Scouts have to do most everything themselves - such as cooking for the troop, or making their own bivouac - with appropriate supervision where necessary.